How shall you mend the plough with no iron, no fire and no skill?
Or sail across the known world to a new life without any boat?
How will young become that which they aspire? Everything is fading
Lost is such a long word for what was given away without a care
That cannot now be taken back, for the future favours the multitudes
Not the honest, not the just, not the brave, for only fruitfulness survives
Or shall we indeed call this revolution the new evolution of man; in part;
Or in full; for this world perhaps creates intelligent design from chaos
Our acts of chance and joy written in lighting speed called lifetimes
Yet nothing seen may move me toward some charitable end
For the world is dimming and as it decays so must I and song stops
The world will endure but never how I would have wished
And my genes shall fall in the dust and return to whence they came.
Until a trillion, trillion years have passed by and I am again renewed
I shall look for you then and perhaps next time we can do it better