Ibbero and the rest of the Ishanntari were vegetarians. How could they not be; exalted and ancient beings of reasoned logic. There could be no other way to live harmoniously within the world. After all, was not the world created to exist as a living instrument in balance and purpose within its hale, green world of renewal? It was never meant that we should turn on the fauna around us, enslave or hunt it and feast upon flesh like carrion. Justifying it all by sophistic progression of man’s superiority into the dominant ascendancy. That was the way of the enemy to hide the truth behind clever-sounding and plausible logic based on shallow or dishonest thinking.
There were, (if one understood clearly,) the parallel paradoxes of law in the world. To survive beyond the world we must eventually leave it as we have entered. We are born something that is given life by an unselfish act of love, nourished by food from the mother that creates us. If she chooses well we are born without regret and so we prosper in humility. There is no blame to those who have no choice in the manner of their birth, but having attained wisdom and a greater knowledge in life; only fools and brutally intentioned beings can ignore it. Once we see we are not bound within the world we become truly free.