Friday, November 01, 2013


The world rides eddies around wheeling stars
Stars trail in the wake of the creator maker
The creator sits beside nothing that is not harmony
Harmony is the design of his long, noble intent
Noble intent lessens of late; compassion retreats
Retreats; for what did he make this thing we blithely mar?
Mar in a certitude that we are master of our very nature
A nature that devours and usurps itself from concord
Concord biting diplomacy with teeth untethered from reason
Reasoned endless vanity stays not human madness with a doubt
Doubt till our last sun rises and sets upon this arrogant ruin
Ruin upon the last empire of man; as his habitat finally surrenders
Surrenders the machinations of Homo sapiens to the forgotten ages
But the new ages of the world will still orbit the same wheeling stars