Thursday, August 10, 2006

It’s 5.30am and the morning breezes take hold of the tall arched fronds of the tree fern and buffet them in random waves. Framed against the clouds in a lightening pale blue sky I see the brief vista of an oasis at dawn. Cool air hits my cheeks as step outside and this illusion dissipates rather rapidly. Black to grey clouds a re slowly seals the blue sky shut to make a dull August day. But there is work to be done and the wren already at work enquires after the health of insects embedded in the drystone wall. Deftly she leaves no point unsearched till at last breakfast is revealed. It is hard to feel anything but wonder in the cruel senselessness of it all. That something must stop its journey to enable something else to carry on. Thought for the day…don’t question just enjoy the wonder.