Monday, June 11, 2007

11th June 2007

Currently sat under the climbing hydrangea that is overflowing down from next doors garden. The branches exhibit a tactile flowing pattern and wind in a vibrant latticework of leaves and flowers above my head. It forms a fragrant pelmet above the bench I am sitting on. It is so heavily laden with flowers that the nectar drips out in sticky globules that hit my bare, bronzed arms and make me think the rain has arrived. And oh, the sound; of hundreds of insects in an orgy of feasting upon the creamy white blossom is uplifting. A symphony of vibrancy set to the key of life on a hot summer day. The weather here has been incredible for the last few days. So warm and bright and alive, I think it is the word I want to use, but no matter, the change is already here. The balmy, leaden skies now enter and close off the overhead blue calm sky. The wind is heavy and still and the threat of rain hangs over everything like a promise of absolute certainty. There is a low distant rumbling and I cannot differentiate if it is thunder or an aeroplane in the distance. As if a call to arms the midges now arise and swarm for blood and verily they take all the need in microscopic itchy mouthfuls from all my exposed skin. The plants and earth seem to whisper "let the rain come at last" and water our need. For me I should rather sit in the evening air and feel free of the walls and ceilings but I shall take a joy in the rain for it does others, (if not me) good. The world will always win and we shall just take pleasure in the good days and seek gentle reflection on the bad. I shall reflect now for the heavens open and though I am waterproof alas the Sony is not…(not yet at any rate but give them a few more years.)