Saturday, September 08, 2007

Thursday was one of the sunniest we have seen for some weeks (unlike the southern half of the country which seems to be perpetually sunny.) We had solid, clear blue skies which I glimpsed all day through the office window. It promised to be a beautiful evening and it was. I sat in the garden with some bread and cheese and a glass of wine and relaxed. Unfortunately wine has a rapid soporific effect on me and I was in bed for 9pm. Not before I had photographed the colours of the sunset sky though (see bottom of this.) I always used to wonder if I could end up drinking too much but now the question is can I drink enough without falling asleep like a dotard. Probably not and there is some small comfort. Another healthy addition and now that smoking is banned in public enclosed spaces (including work) I am smoking significantly less too. Who’d have thought that I would have had a healthy decline into old age? It’s going to be a quiet weekend i think. Everyone is working so I shall sit and read a book in the garden if the weather allows. Still off to Devon in a little less than two weeks...! Hope you’re having a good weekend. I created another blog to put a continuing story on so I’ll see how that goes.