Monday, November 19, 2007

I had the strangest dream last night but I think it was because I was watching a programme on the sun before going to be on the history channel. Apparently the photons that emanate from the sun’s core and reach us as light take thousands of years to pass to the surface of the sun and then only minutes to reach the earth once they are in the vacuum of space. The sunlight I shall be bathing in next week is older than I am.

It all really seems to be so perfect the way life has originated and our understanding of the universe. We tend to think we are big players in the cosmos but what if we’re among the smallest of all life. A small life form on a small planet that can never develop the potential to expand and understand what is beyond the edge of the known universe. We are mapping the genome, constructing theories on astral physics and searching for dark matter. But what if...we were designed to do that? Unknowing participants in a huge interstellar process. Masters of a destiny that can never come to pass, because we were not given the intellect and capacity to ever get beyond a certain point in our existence. Make you think! I’ll go bake some more bread.

Worlds in a grain of sand

Spread through the cosmos

Watched by those that

Manipulate our destiny