Sunday, March 08, 2009
See what a difference a few years makes to a person....ha, ha. I could never be accused of always trying to present myself in the best light. Why it looks like the Darwen gypsy campsite complete with a rather swarthy looking member of the travellers. Well it was snowing quite heavily this morning. I burned the last of the wood and stood there listening to the sound of snowflakes sizzling on the side of the brazier like meteorites burning up in the atmosphere as they hit the metal and dissolved instantly. It was a rather cold and miserable morning and I got soaking wet as you can see. The highlight was Mr Toad watching from the undergrowth. Boy he was a friendly thing but with the warm fire I thought he might get too close so I put him in the pond. But if he was as wet and cold as I then perhaps he really needed a warm.
Mr Toad