Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mary did not think that the world was her playground; she knew it was! Even though the money was always counted in on time, it was would be spent so quickly but she said there was always more from somewhere. Not that she minded about money for a moment when she was younger. A good looking girl from a solid family background could, (and still can) go much further than anyone else. Somebody once asked her if she thought about a time in the future when the attention, money and endless pleasure-seeking could possibly stop. She remembered laughing at the notion, because simply put, her deliberations led her to believe she was so much better than such a possible outcome. In actual fact it was true, because the instinctive belief in her abilities was the underpinning to it all.
It was a fine life really with her assets and income and just enough understanding of attraction to make it all work. For Mary men were the key to her unlocking the world. Although the career at the bank was hardly the stuff of dreams she enjoyed the work and it gave her so many opportunities to meet with wealthy males of her own age group. In a short time she gained something of a reputation. Not a bad one of course; she was so much classier than all that. It always seemed incredible to me that she attended so many events, dances and balls without ever once being thought vulgar. A new week inevitably brought a new man and all of them were completely smitten by her grace and bearing and to be honest; her absolutely sparkling intelligence and sense of fun. Though some tried to take things further she wasn’t at all ready for a long term recital and had the most beautiful skill of gently letting them understand. Because in truth, all bona fide men who are honest; naturally want and need a strong, independent woman.
Was I jealous? Well perhaps a little. But it was so hard not to genuinely like her and she was, and always remained my best friend. To be honest I think I basked in her glow somewhat. It was never intentional, but I soon came to realise she had something that was never coming my way in this lifetime. Some people rapidly understand that we cannot learn some social behaviours because they flow effortlessly from people as a natural consequence of their personality. As an example; they say that if you have to think during a conversation about what to say next, it is better generally not to say anything at all. A good rule of life I suppose and it usually meant I kept quiet a lot in most conversations.
I think also her thoughts were on a much bigger scale than mine. If a benefit of being her friend was a wider social group and lots more events to attend then I was not going to be downhearted about it.  I miss her terribly now she’s gone. I loved her so much.  
Goodnight dearest daughter.