For whit I now make my
plea of ignorance no less the bold for its stupidity
Sooth it was as colossal
in size as told from legend by a nurse to a cradleThe elephant in the room now reveals itself and so may sit down beside me.
Yet I though alike to a juvenile, stumbling half king that possesseth no kingdom
Having less of the better part of valour and more of the main part of jest
Have a care and mock me not, for this regent my yet bite back if provoked
Or would so if it were unrestrained by convention and blind obedience to virtue
How may we live such sightless
lives seeing naught of the devastated stratagems?
That sinks a country
lower than heathen realms while its people decay PortamentoWhence good is lost to commerce so the world we knew looks upon its own feast
Devouring first its singed toes in spite and then each finger with aberrant relish
The marrow sweetened by idolatrous celebrity news hides the bitter taste of wrong
Feast away thus poor nation for I cannot help you regain thy mark in the world
Empires fall surely as night but more the pity that the treachery came from inside
© Edetric Vistal