Sunday, May 21, 2006

If a light could be cast across my path into the night then none should enchant more than the moon’s radiance tonight. The silvered twilight enwraps in the intensity of lighting bolts that have when arcing to earth become filtered by feathered clouds riding on clear, cool air. The clouds thicken and light fades as I take a long look through tall stone pillars framing a long gravel driveway. It fades into the distance lined with tall trees. Their arching branches tracing moonlight, rising like obsidian coral swaying in the current toward the violet-black ocean surface. The whisper of the wind takes a seed of thought in my mind that darkness need not be a time to be indoors and my shadow lengthened even beyond its height in an autumn sun, reaches into this celestial world that now bridges day and night and finds peace. For your friendship has and shall be the light that will guide my way when the world is darkest.
Look to the sky and see the princess ride over darkness
Light shining through clouds that wraps her like finest silk
Tonight no cover may stifle her walk through the heavens
For she is full, wanton and seeks out those far below her
Who would make a wish and in joy shall she grant it thus
For hearts should hope and these she would try to save?
So I have wished and she threads the needle once again
To darn my heart mending hurts in the years forgotten joys
So that our fears and dreams collide and we know peace
A second lived within a lifetime seems all that has passed