Wednesday, May 14, 2008

750 words

I'm doing speed writing tonight and have set the clock for 5 minutes to see how much I can type within that time. It was something I read in the paper today about a columnist who wrote 750 words without stopping. I think he was trying to infer that he wrote rubbish so I thought let's give it a go and here it is.

What seeps into the labyrinth of the mind when resting or it slumbers or stumbles through the mediocrity of the day? It is always a sign of some regret that I cannot remember all that passes through the emotional net of works nuanced behaviours. Most days I begin alone and end it alone and in-between lies all manner of mundane adventures. Yet perhaps luckily the greatest adventure of all is when my eyes close and a mind takes a soaring flight across the universe. For in this other time does space entwine reason and hope and then the greatest secrets of all reveal to me in a shimmer of inspiration that becomes beautiful dreams.

Oh well still a long way to go to 750 words but let's batter on and see where the trip takes me. It has been another week of sun although the temperatures are now cooling and we head to a dull weekend. Just as everything was growing so well too. Never mind let's hope there is more sunshine to come soon. I shan't hold my breath mind!

I still can't post via the normal channel but am sure it is something to do with this computer. Lucky though that I can still add things via e-mail. What's annoying is not being able to tidy up the blog postings that didn't work. Oh well, I'll get to the bottom of it soon...I hope! I think that I am becoming anti-technology as it never seems to work how it should. Perhaps it is me and I once heard a theory about some people having more static electricity which damages electrical things? Not quite sure but if it was it would be the first time I have made sparks fly... that's for sure.

Ok 280 words and 10 minutes so I think this is going to take longer that I thought.

The last rays of sunlight are piercing the western sky. The world dulls to dusk quickly tonight and yet leaves no fiery trail across the crowded, clouding sky. The world murmurs and sighs itself into a sunset and the cool night takes the birds in flight and silences their song till the morning. With the last call of a blackbird my heart subsides into its need to sleep, to dream and as the world dims my eyes close to another dimension.

Over halfway there at 431 words...keep up and awake!

We have the annual supervisors meeting tomorrow afternoon. Funny kind of thing when the vision for the company over the next 12 months is revealed. Wonder how I figure in it? Or any of the others come to that. All the newspapers talk of is sub-prime things and housing prices and the threat of a recession and that is only when it is not climate change, carbon footprints or some other dismal if very important subject.

So with a few words to spare (this took 20 minutes) I shall close for is not brevity a virtue and if not, well than it jolly well should be. Have fun and enjoy the evening.