Friday, July 03, 2009

Friday 3rd July 2009
Phew!!! We are finally coming to the end of all the sticky heat and it is being replaced with much fresher weather and lots of rain hopefully. The garden is pretty dry at the minute and we have to carry water up each night. All the rain from the water butts has now gone. So for next year shall either get some more or use one of the ponds as a reservoir...of course if I do that it will be the wettest year on record but that’s life.

Hope you’ve been watching the auctions...the amp has sold and been collected and the turntable ends tonight. Jelly for tea for me and thee!

Something special happened last night. A deer came into the garden as we were sitting watching the view up the hill. Quite a big old thing complete with small horns and even managed to take 2 pictures but look closely. Not very clear but will add them below this. Of course it soon became aware and ran up the hill into the trees and I thought that was that. But it stayed up there all the time we were there and maybe it is still there now. I shall have to look up what they like to eat...and make some food parcels. It took 25 years to attract one so I can wait a little longer. Now I know for sure what has been nibbling some of the bark on the trees.Have a great weekend