How’s your evening going? Mine is going by ok sort of although I am sat here and right opposite is a tarantula’s spider’s smaller brother on the wall. He’s sitting perfectly still and watching my every move. Chances are it is really a female, because they are always bigger. If I was paranoid I might think it was crouching ready to jump on me and strike first. But even so I think that to not do so is the true sign of a good person. It would be so easy to get rid of it and yet my fear of it is less than my compassion and that is how it should be. So I shall let him be and wait for him to disappear. As they always do and there now he has. It’ll be back.
Well the rain has been back torrentially for the last few days. There are hardly any leaves now left on the trees. I think the lake must be getting brimful to the top…might be able to go and feed the ducks at the weekend and look for both the kingfishers, bats and lizards and lions and tigers and bears..Oh my! To be honest I don’t expect to see any, but then you wouldn’t get me out in this wet and damp weather either. Work is nonstop with me getting nowhere, or that is how it feels some days.
Hope you are having a good week and take care.