The sun’s declination nears completion
Soft sunny days lie on watercolour mists
With the low suns and cold days know
The awakening of our world to rebirth
Is closer, yet still long months to come
Thoughts of such a world comforts me
For when can we ever grow if not now?
I grow with every revolution of the earth
My life dances with the cycles of the moon
Slender, slight crescent to full and bright
Radiating my path with a silvered light
Its touch tells me I am alive and full of joy
For only the universe derives my destiny
And that you are part of that destiny is all
That I shall ever need to remind me
That you are so, so very special to me
However long we have been friends
Thank you for the love and attention
You have always given without thought
I love you in all ways that are within me.
Some with my life, some with my very soul
For us special and loved have found each other
To share and grow in joy in a harsh world
My world is yours to take and all my hopes
I Share with you, my friends…it is forever.
And in finding the world, then so it rewards us
With larks, trumpets and peace of the eternal
For we are the blessed, we have the world
In all its sweet scented, glorious greenery
And always at Christmas, we have each other.