Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Soft yellow tinges leaf margins and slowly it replaces the high greens as the summer heat settles fair across slowing days. Yet despite the seasons drift to night what a magnificent cessation we see to the explosion of growth that leads our heart into autumn. Days are filled with gold and the nights are awash in the honeyed scent of wild honeysuckle.

We may stroll under mighty trees treading soft across mossy ground and never know that close by a doe leads her fawn through nature’s canvas of night shadows lit by only shafts of moonlight. Or choose to be guided by starlight again into the childhood elven realms where imagination once held sway. 

Yet what would I wish? To never be cold again, to nurture and encourage natures unbridled growth. To take pleasure only in how incredible and beautiful the world around me is in the summer. To sit and wait and see my little world complete a cycle of seasons around me…that is my wish.