Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday 23rd Jan 2010

Well here we are so soon toward the end of January and like blind men reborn a little more of each day is revealed to us. It now seems hard to believe there was so much snow before so I’m so glad I took some pictures...probably be a long time before England again looks like Lapland.

Since the New Year I have been walking to and from work and have been off the wine so feeling quite healthy at the minute. I am enjoying walking to work and should have done it years ago. I’ve grown a two week old beard but it is amazing how many people are so suspicious of it...what’s that all about? It has grown really fast but if I had any doubts just how old I am getting just one look in the mirror at the grey fuzz reassure me...I look like my dad and that is always a worrying point in one’s life to reach. For the moment I am quite taken with my new look but I doubt it will reach spring.

Work is quiet at the moment and I moved into a new office yesterday (closer to the exit I feel.) I smell a rat but we’ll see. I mean I could lose my job, be given a large sum of money and have to spend spring and summer pottering around the wouldn’t that be terrible!

Hope you have a good weekend.